Friday, December 4, 2009

Seminar notes #4: Building an Audience

When communicating with your audience choose the simplest, least complex channel to reach your audience.

Once you decide on the channel, decide how often you will use it.

For example, a simple scheme with four 'channels' might be something like this:

Channel 1 -- personal blog.
Frequency -- three to five blog posts a week. Each post 130-150 words or less.

Channel 2 -- email.
Frequency once a month. NO SPAM, fan must ASK for and WANT email.

Channel 3 -- facebook.
Frequency once a day. Less than 25 words. About half of the time, use a picture.

Channel 4 -- personal appearances.
Frequency: four times a year. Book signings, workshops, speaking.

(Taken from notes made during Scott Kirsner's Building an Audience Seminar at Bay Area Video Coalition, on Dec. 1 2009.)

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