Friday, May 17, 2013

Time is short

I don't feel like doing much blogging for a while. I am having a strong urge to withdraw from social media, blogging, writing, yoga, photography, filmmaking... in short, everything that normally energizes and interests me.

I'm not sure what caused this feeling. It began after a lifelong friend was hospitalized in a local long-term care facility.

The facility is probably one of the best in the country. The staff is skilled, caring and mostly young. The patients are mostly elderly. Many are alert, but a few spend their days slumped in their wheelchairs staring into the distance. Most of the people spend their days doing things like playing bingo, going to Sunday church services, or attending chair yoga class.

I live in a small semi-rural community. Often when I visit, I see someone I know from the community who is now in a wheelchair.

None of them planned on ending up here. Had you told them two years ago that they'd be in these wheelchairs today, they would have scoffed at the idea.

Some are younger than I. I look at them and think, "That could be me in 3 months."

An 84 year old friend listened to this story, and replied: "Time is short!"

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