Sunday, March 15, 2009

Who the hell is Tony Levelle?

Here's the bio from the back cover of my co-authored book Producing With Passion:

"Inspired by such available light and low budget films as Robert Rodriguez's 'El Mariachi' and Jon Jost's 'Frameup', filmmaker Tony Levelle set out on a mission learn how to do the same.

"He had the good fortune to attend a seminar by Dorothy Fadiman who not only finished every film she started and got them into distribution, but kept them there!

"He eventually worked with Fadiman and his new co-authored book, 'Producing With Passion: Making films that change the world' is the result of their collaboration to share these techniques with others.

"The quality of this book so impressed the publisher that even before it was finished they signed Tony to solo author a second book, 'Digital Video Secrets: What the pros know and the manuals don't tell you.'

"Tony exemplifies the qualities all filmmakers need to survive: passion, persistence and vision."

When not writing books or making films I teach Bikram yoga for Lynn Whitlow at Bikram Yoga Lake County.

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