The following exchange is reblogged in entirety from journalist
Nate Thayer's blog:
(Thayer has won just about every significant award in the business.)
Update 1: Jason Fry on when to work for free.
Update 2: The Atlantic's senior editor responds.
Nate Thayer |
A Day in the Life of a Freelance Journalist—2013
Here is an exchange between the Global Editor of the Atlantic
Magazine and myself this afternoon attempting to solicit my
professional services for an article they sought to publish after
reading my story “25 Years of Slam Dunk Diplomacy: Rodman trip comes after 25 years of basketball diplomacy between U.S. and North Korea” here at
From the Atlantic Magazine:
On Mar 4, 2013 3:27 PM, “olga khazan” <> wrote:
Hi there — I’m the global editor for the Atlantic, and I’m trying to
reach Nate Thayer to see if he’d be interested in repurposing his recent
basketball diplomacy post on our site.
Could someone connect me with him, please?
Olga Khazan
From the head of NK News, who originally published the piece this morning:
Hi that piece is copy right to NK News, so please engage us mutually.
Thanks, tad
From the Atlantic:
Sure. Thanks Nate and Tad…I was just wondering if you’d be interested
in adapting a version of that for the Atlantic. Let me know if you’d be
From me:
Hi Olga:
Give me a shout at
443 205 9162 in D.C. and I’d be delighted to see whether we can work something out.
Nate Thayer
From the Atlantic:
Sure, I’ll call you in a few minutes.
After a brief phone call where no specifics were really discussed, and she requested I email her:
Hi Olga: What did you have in mind for length, storyline, deadline,
and fees for the basketball diplomacy piece. Or any other specifics. I
think we can work something out, but I want to make sure I have the time
to do it properly to meet your deadline, so give me a shout back when
you have the earliest chance.
Nate Thayer
From the Atlantic:
Thanks for responding. Maybe by the end of the week? 1,200 words? We
unfortunately can’t pay you for it, but we do reach 13 million readers a
month. I understand if that’s not a workable arrangement for you, I
just wanted to see if you were interested.
Thanks so much again for your time. A great piece!
From me:
Thanks Olga:
I am a professional journalist who has made my living by writing for
25 years and am not in the habit of giving my services for free to for
profit media outlets so they can make money by using my work and efforts
by removing my ability to pay my bills and feed my children. I know
several people who write for the Atlantic who of course get paid. I
appreciate your interest, but, while I respect the Atlantic, and have
several friends who write for it, I have bills to pay and cannot expect
to do so by giving my work away for free to a for profit company so they
can make money off of my efforts. 1200 words by the end of the week
would be fine, and I can assure you it would be well received, but not
for free. Frankly, I will refrain from being insulted and am perplexed
how one can expect to try to retain quality professional services
without compensating for them. Let me know if you have perhaps mispoken.
From the Atlantic:
Hi Nate — I completely understand your position, but our rate even
for original, reported stories is $100. I am out of freelance money
right now, I enjoyed your post, and I thought you’d be willing to
summarize it for posting for a wider audience without doing any
additional legwork. Some journalists use our platform as a way to gain
more exposure for whatever professional goals they might have, but
that’s not right for everyone and it’s of course perfectly reasonable to
Thank you and I’m sorry to have offended you.
From me:
Hi Olga: No offense taken and no worries. I am sure you are aware of
the changing, deteriorating condition of our profession and the
difficulty for serious journalists to make a living through their work
resulting in the decline of the quality of news in general. Ironically, a
few years back I was offered a staff job with the Atlantic to write 6
articles a year for a retainer of $125,000, with the right to publish
elsewhere in addition. The then editor, Michael Kelly, was killed while
we were both in Iraq, and we both, as it were, moved on to different
places. I don’t have a problem with exposure but I do with paying my
I am sure you can do what is the common practice these days and just
have one of your interns rewrite the story as it was published
elsewhere, but hopefully stating that is how the information was
acquired. If you ever are interested in a quality story on North Korea
and wiling to pay for it, please do give me a shout. I do enjoy reading
what you put out, although I remain befuddled as to how that particular
business model would be sustainable to either journalism and ultimately
the owners and stockholders of the Atlantic.
I understand your dilemma and it really is nothing personal, I assure you, and I wish you the best of luck.
So now, for those of you remained unclear on the state of journalism in 2013, you no longer are…..
Update 1: Jason Fry on when to work for free--and not.
For young and/or new writers, I’d suggest these are exceptions worth considering:
* The platform’s good enough that being associated with it helps build my CV
* The platform’s good enough that I can introduce myself to a larger audience and build a lasting relationship with readers
* I really like this editor and think he or she can improve my writing and will be a
great addition to my list of contacts
But be ruthless in asking yourself if the trade-off’s really worth
it. Is the platform really that prestigious? Is the give and take with
readers really that attractive? Is the relationship with the editor
really going to be that hands-on? Lots of platforms are open to all
comers, meaning they have no prestige. Lots of editors don’t actually
edit. And so on. In such cases, just do your own thing.
And finally, the goal is to get paid as soon as possible. These are short-term strategies.
(Let me save you an email: I get the irony that I just repurposed my own paid article for free.)
Now, should more-experienced writers work for free? Your default
stance should be “no,” bordering on “hell no.” But there are exceptions.
I’m 43 and have been a professional writer for half my life. I keep track of work I’ve invoiced, how much I need to make a day, and
the day on which that math indicates I’ll be broke. But yes, I do write some things for free, and I’d be willing to write some more things for free.
* My posts on
Faith and Fear in Flushing
are uncompensated. I write there because I love the Mets, because
writing alongside Greg Prince keeps me on my game, and because it’s fun.
It’s also true that FAFIF got my co-blogger a book deal and helped get
me tons of paid work.
* These musings are unpaid, because what the heck. They’re an effort
to pay it forward, a promotional vehicle, and a tool for therapy.
* I’ve contributed
free work to anthologies for friends of mine and people I admire and want to be associated with.
* I’ve written for free because I saw a chance to
champion the work of writers I like.
* I’ve written for free because I didn’t have access to the audience that
a piece of mine needed.
That last exception is the one I consider most often. I’d like to
write more about music, travel and genealogy, but I’m not well-connected
with those audiences. Would I write for free on those topics if you
gave me a good editor and a respected platform for reaching those
readers? I might — but with the expectation that such work would soon
lead to getting paid, either by that publication or by someone else.
That’s the key: If you’re going to write for free, make sure a) it’s
in service of a larger strategy; b) it’s a short-term arrangement; c)
you aren’t just kidding yourself; and d) you’re really not just kidding
yourself. What the Atlantic asked Nate Thayer to do fails that test. I
get why he’s mad — I was mad on his behalf. But it might make sense in
some other situation.
Update 2: Alexis Madrigal responds
The Atlantic magazine's senior editor Alexis Madrigal (who) has been very active in discussing the response: